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Client: In The Bag Guide Service
Website Link: www.inthebagguideservice.com
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Website Type: CMS WordPress
Industry: Fishing, Outdoors
Date Completed: January, 2019
Designer: Andrew Ragas

Website Features: Fishing industry theme, Photo Galleries, Information Pages, Video galleries, Blog Formatted pages, Custom SEO implementation, SEO, online quick contact capability, Mobile friendliness and responsiveness.

Welcome to Green Bay Wisconsin’s multi-species fishing guide service with Captain Chris Bartsch. Our service guides the waters of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and also includes the Fox River, Peshtigo River, Oconto River, and the waters of Sturgeon Bay and Door County.

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In January 2019, we rebuilt the website for In The Bag Guide Service. Every once in a while, wordpress themes crash or succumb to incompatibilities with web hosting and their server’s PHP. That was the case with the previous website.

Our website re-design took place from mid January through end of the month. Our priority was to create a more user-friendly and mobile responsive website, utilizing all the previous page contents, photography, and media from old website. In new re-design, we make online trip bookings and quick contacting a priority. In addition, SEO is incorporated in every page.

Captain Bartsch’s specifications were to create a website utilizing high powered SEO algorithms in order for his service to be found at the top of the search rankings in the ultra-competitive Green Bay fishing market. Another requirement and personal preference of his was to utilize a full screen image player layout, for showcasing his photography and media, and being to present specific Green Bay fishing information on sub-pages. After research and development we were able to deliver him a new website according to specifications, and furnished him with new marketing materials and logotypes to use for advertising and promotions.

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