Upcoming Projects for April, 2013

 In Blog

Here’s a preview of our upcoming projects for the month of April, 2013. It’s going to be quite the busy month! Below is a breakdown of each client, and what their projects will consist of:

Lithuanian Foundation


The Lithuanian Foundation, Inc. is a registered Illinois not-for-profit foundation dedicated to preserving and fostering Lithuanian culture and traditions in the United States, Lithuania and Lithuanian communities worldwide. Project is still in its pre-production stages and will begin as soon as new website hosting is acquired, and design template is selected. Start date will hopefully be sometime during the week of April 1st. Tasks will include the manual conversion from Drupal to WordPress, an entire re-design of a multilingual website that will be both in English and Lithuanian languages, and a new site utilizing a new layout that is in similar concept to their current. We’re anticipating on completing this project within two weeks and not more than three.

Devils Lake Guide Service


Mitchell’s Devils Lake Guide Services is owned and operated by Jason Mitchell. Jason and his team of guides focus on the expansive world class fishery of Devils Lake, North Dakota. Project is in its pre-production stages and tasks will include the complete re-design and re-organization of this website that was originally built in 2007 by someone else. A CMS website will be built, allowing for instant site management, updating & maintenance, and long-term usage. We are expected to begin around April 20th, and project shouldn’t take longer than a week to complete…… just in time for the season opener and spring fishing season!

Ragas Fishing . com


This is a project for myself. My existing website was first built in November, 2011 and is an HTML website with layout and graphics I custom designed for myself. While I really like the way it looks and is set-up, it’s not very user friendly for timely updates and adding my extensive lineup of published articles and stories. The plan for me this month, before my spring and summer fishing travel season begins, is to build myself a brand new, super cool CMS website that effectively showcases my works, videos, stories, and sponsors. Luckily I will be able to use much of the existing content and same design elements and page graphics. We are in pre-production as the design template has been selected. All that’s needed is some availability to build!

In unsurprising fashion, spring 2013 is looking to be busier, but more productive than ever. Assuming none of these upcoming projects break-down, we are officially booked through end of April.

Contact us about our May and June, 2013 availability.

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